Hull #034 – Loki
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Quick Facts
- Model: Cruising
- Year Built: 1966
- Hull #: 34
- Vessel Name: Loki
- Owner Name: April
- E-mail:
- Hailing Port: Chesapeake Bay
Sailboat History
7/15/18 – After some initial uncertainty on the hull number of Loki, found the Bristol 27 hull number on the electric panel, as shown in the image below:

Hull #34 shown in the upper right of the electrical panel.
Owner Comments
2/2/18 – [Loki] was let go and on the hard for several years full of water and mosquitoes. But I took her on and she is coming along and she’ll be splashed this spring. I would love to hear from you and anyone else out there too. Here’s an image of Loki in the yard at the start of this rebuild:
3/22/19 – Loki is at my house. Did a new paint job and faired the bottom too. I cut out old gate valves and then glassed in and put in one bronze thru Hull for her galley. I also took out the ugly pot metal ports and glassed in the cabin sides and will put in resin composite ports. Haven’t done much through the winter but will start soon. I also need to pull her mast and check all rigging before sailing her. [Here’s an image of the fresh paint:]

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