Hull #005 - Freestyle
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Quick Facts
- Model: Weekender
- Year Built: 1966
- Hull #: 5
- Vessel Name: (Last known as Freestyle)
- Owner Name: (Last known as Steve)
- Hailing Port: (Last known as Lake Champlain, VT/NY)
Sailboat History
October 23, 2020 – As of today, here’s the best known history on this B27 is a little hazy, but here’s current history:
?/? – ?/? – Owned by Ben’s Step Dad
?/? – May, 2009 – Owned by Ben
July 2009 = Sold by Ben to Bill
Aug. 2009 – Aug. 2010 = Owned by Bill
Sept. 2010 = Sold by Bill to to Steve On Craigslist
Oct. 2010 – Oct. 2020 = Last known owner is Steve
Owner Comments
October, 2020 – [Was in touch with Steve, owner of this Bristol 27 back in 2009. Steve wrote:]
…the name when I had her at least was the “freestyle”. I certainly have some pics I can find. Here are two attached, albeit a little dark. I will see what else I can dig up….The previous owner before me was my step dad. He provided some more images (attached). He also told me it was hull #5! I forgot the year, but I seem to remember it being 1967… I will get an answer for you on that soon. The name before freestyle was “windswept” before it was changed to “freestyle”….It was a 1966 model and it was the “weekender” version with the bigger cockpit. Specs: Hope this is helpful!
[Here’s a few images of Hull #005 prior to 2009]:

Hull #005 at anchor

Hull #005 underway.

Hull #005 is a “Weekender” version of the Bristol 27, as shown in the above technical drawing. This Bristol 27 design is quite different than the Cruising or Dinette version of the Bristol 27
September, 2010 – Even though the water was very rough due to a passing Hurricane, once we were on the deck, it was very steady and strong. The major aspects were in very good shape. Much of the trim and cabin shows a lot of wear.
It is interesting to drive a boat with a motor where your only steering controls are the rudder. Reverse is almost impossible.
[The sails are] easy to use…There was a light breeze and the boat grabbed the wind and away we went…Even with a small wind, this Bristol had us moving quite well. It was a gorgeous sunny day. We spent over 5 hours out on the lake getting the feel for her.
We plan on spending a lot of time fixing her up and taking her on exciting trips. [Follow our site at] –
September 27, 2010 -After an interesting commute to where the Boat is moored (we rode tandem on a small, inflatable Kayak) we got ourselves ready. We loaded our lunch and extra clothes into the cabin, and started the motor. Just 3 pulls and it kicked to life. Fantastic.
It is interesting to drive a boat with a motor where your only steering controls are the rudder. Reverse is almost impossible. We unhooked from the mooring cable, and headed out into the lake. Once about 500 feet from the nearest boat, we killed the motor and attempted the sail.
Just 5 minutes later, the sail was up completely. So easy to use (and I love the sail number .. 5). There was a light breeze and the boat grabbed the wind and away we went.
While Tylor investigated every nook and cranny in the ship, we headed out into the middle of the lake. Notice the wave crashing to the right of Tylor. Even with a small wind, this Bristol had us moving quite well. It was a gorgeous sunny day. We spent over 5 hours out on the lake getting the feel for her.
At one point I decided to try to raise the Jib. Unfortunately, the clamp to hook to is at the top of the mast (another project for another day). Before returning to port, we dropped the sail, dropped our anchor, and went swimming. Wow. The water was a bit cold, but it felt sooo good.
We now have a good feel for how she rides. We also have a good list of what needs work. More on that later. At this point, no doubt about it… this was a GREAT idea.
September 7, 2010 – As of yesterday, September 7th, 2010, we are the proud new owners of this great little* sailboat. We’ve talked for a very long time about getting a good sized boat to enjoy out on Lake Champlain. The lake is only a few miles from home and is a great location for boating.
Two weeks ago, this Bristol became available through craigslist. She was built in 1966, the first year that Bristol made the B-27. This particular model is the weekender, serial number 005. This only the 5th Boat made by Bristol! My son Tylor and I went to check out the boat on Saturday. Even though the water was very rough due to a passing Hurricane, once we were on the deck, it was very steady and strong.
The major aspects were in very good shape. Much of the trim and cabin shows alot of wear. We talked it over, and we all agree that this will be a great boat for us. Being this late in the season, we plan to try it out for a few days before pulling it out for the winter. This Friday will be Registry DMV day (fun) and then Saturday we plan to take to the water to try her out. I’ll keep you posted on our sucesses. We plan on spending alot of time fixing her up and taking her on exciting trips. I will keep you all updated as we become sailors.
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