Hull #239 - wAVe therapy
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Quick Facts
- Model: Dinette
- Year Built: 1969
- Hull #: 239
- Vessel Name: wAVe therapy
- Owner Name: Darren Simmie
- Owner Email:
- Hailing Port: Miramichi, NB. Canada
Sailboat History
May 6, 2020 & October 19, 2020 – Darren Simmie (current owner) provided this list of previous owners are (unclear if this is in order of oldest owner to newest):
- Maurice Richard
- Bernie Richaurd
- David Tweety
- Leo Leblanc (boat named “Sojourn”, added a hard dodger based on a Good Old Boats design (which was later removed), owned just before Darren and sailed out of Mramichi)
Owner Comments
October 23, 2020 – Loving my boat. Lots of work to it this year. Painted inside and out, deck and topsides. 3 seacocks. New jib and roller furling.

wAve Therapy, Hull 239, at dock in 2020

wAve Therapy, Hull 239, underway in 2020
May 5, 2020 – [Miramichi is] a great spot to sail from. So many great spots close by. Prince Edward Island, Mandeline Islands, Gaspe, Newfoundland, Bradour lakes. I haven’t sailed that far, but this boat has. I’m more of a rookie, but looking to go farther then the many islands in the bay here. Backing up this boat is a bit of an adventure, 😬. Hoping to become a better sailing this great boat.

wAve Therapy’s Interior
May 4, 2020 – Slowly updating it. Painting and sanding. Painting deck this week. Interior next week.
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