Hull #241 - Sierra Rae
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Quick Facts
- Model: Cruising
- Year Built: 1969
- Hull #: 241
- Vessel Name: (Last known was Sierra Rae)
- Owner Name: (last known was Robert Shannon)
- Hailing Port: (last known was Dallas, Texas)
Sailboat History
Originally Craig purchased this sailboat in Ft. Lauderdale, FL and changed the boat’s name from Tiki to Selah. Craig sailed the boat in Panama City, Florida prior to selling the boat to a person in Kansas City.
The third owner was Jim Unruh in Kansas, whose family of four children and my wife, sailed her on Perry Lake in Kansas during the 1990′s as the, “Jana Lynn.”
Eventually, the boat was purchased by Robert Shannon who renamed the boat “Sierra Rae”.
As of October 2020, the current owner of this Bristol 27 isn’t known.
Owner Comments
10/20/2020 – I [Robert] sold the 27 years ago to a broker and bought a Pearson Vanguard 32 which we have sailed all over the Gulf and Bahamas. I’ll see if I can find the new owners information for you.
3/5/2012 – I am in the process of buying a catermaran and will be cruising in the Caribbean. I have my Bristol 27 (with trailer) on a lake here in Dallas. I really want it to go to someone that can appreciate her and all its atrabutes. I was wondering if you might know someone that wants a nice Bristol 27? I was also wondering if you would allow me to put it for sale on your site since those that view it are interested in the 27. The boat and trailer are being offered for 14,900.00 which is a great deal for someone.
8/9/2011 – Yes that is an Atom stove and James built the mount for the solar panel as well. I love both and they work great.

Special gimbaled stove by James Baldwin.
8/6/2011 – Just got home from 5 months sailing in the Gulf. I did a refit on the boat over the winter and have a lot of pictures, some with cool ideas some with cool ideas built and installed by me.
5/24/2010 – Just got a Bristol 27, Hull #241, was told she was built in 1969. She is the cruiser model and believe it or not, a lot is still original. I named her “Sierra Rae”. The images show when I first saw her and a few with the hull and bottom recently done by me in red and black.
I’ll send along additional pictures as I make alterations and refit. I would love some additional pictures of the removal of the ice box or any advice you might have. That will be my next project along with redoing a few soft spots in the deck.
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